One night in 2004, one dark moved near the earth. It was wide 1000 feet, bigger than the Rose Bowl, a football stadium in 2036. It would destroyed 80-90% the life of the earth if it hit to the earth at that night like 65 million years ago, the anasteroid hit to the earth, made all dinosaurs became extinct.
Moreover, the astrophysicists predict that on friday 13th 2029, another anasteroid will come close with the earth. It will hit straight the earth if it pass the key hole. The anasteroid s energy alost equal 100 nuclear boombs at the same time. They foresee that it will fall in Pacific Ocean and creat a significant flood shut all the cost line of South California. If it make in water will be more worse.
So, the question is What is the way to prevent the anasteroid not hit the earth? The scientists give two solutions. At first, try to adjust speed, it would miss the earth, but if we want to do this way we need to know exactly the shape and structure of the anasteroid. It would be the difficult work, because the anasteroid always have different safe instructure: Sometime it will be a cucumber, potatoes or sometime just look like the dog bone. Another solution which the scientists talked about is use its gravity to deflect the asteroid's trajectory.By this way we have to spend some million dollars, to searching and creating the new machine to help us.What do you think about this video?
After watching it, I really worry about our planet, the earth is threatening by crystals out side the world. It made me thinking about what I should do to halp save our the world?
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